Comparing Animation, Or What Happened to CG?

Is it just me, or has small-screen animation been deteriorating lately? I happened to see this clip of the Star Wars: Rebels TV show goodness, this animation is pretty darn bad. The characters not only look like they're made of sculpted rubber, but their movements are very, very awkward. There's a kind of … Continue reading Comparing Animation, Or What Happened to CG?

Friday Flotsam: Depression, Thrawn, and Lady (and the Tramp)

1. This week was overall pretty miserable: I was strangely exhausted most of the time and my depression flared up badly. I want to say it’s some form of burnout, but you know what they say about self-diagnosis. In any case, I was able to get through by severely curtailing my activity and schedule to … Continue reading Friday Flotsam: Depression, Thrawn, and Lady (and the Tramp)

Mauler Rages against ‘Skywalker’

My favorite YouTube critic presents his eagerly-anticipated rage against The Rise of Skywalker, the final pathetic, dying wheeze of what was once a great franchise. He does not disappoint. As always with Mauler's rages, language advisory. Many of his trademark "What the F?"s are in store. Money Line: "That's the point to which Disney has … Continue reading Mauler Rages against ‘Skywalker’

Talking Dying Franchises at ‘The Federalist’

First article in a while is up on The Federalist, talking about why dying franchises matter: The imaginative power of Star Wars’s IP has been systematically stripped away into a confused and contradictory mess loaded down with contemporary politics. The simple, yet rich story of the originals (and even of the prequels, for all their faults) … Continue reading Talking Dying Franchises at ‘The Federalist’